Hello there!

Meet Devon, the passionate owner of Elite Design Company (est. 2020), and the creative mind behind the designs you’re about to dive into. Born with a passion for art and design, she turned her love into a career, specializing in graphic design with a focus on web design, branding, illustration, and visual storytelling, as well as freelance photography.

Her journey in design began in 2020 after she graduated from Salem Community College in New Jersey with an Associate’s in Health Science. After graduation, she realized that she wanted to change her major from Nursing to another craft she was truly passionate about. Having pursued this passion, she proudly graduated with a B.A. in Graphic Design with a concentration in Web Design in 2024.

Her design philosophy? It’s all about creating a connection. Good design not only catches the eye but also speaks to the heart, telling a story that deeply resonates with the audience. Whether it’s a minimalist logo or a comprehensive brand identity, her goal is to craft visuals that reflect the essence of a brand while standing out in a crowded marketplace.

Beyond her work, she is a lifelong learner, constantly exploring new trends, techniques, and technologies to keep her designs fresh and relevant. When she’s not sketching or pushing pixels, you’ll find her soaking up inspiration from the world around her, whether it is through people, travel, photography, or the pages of a well-loved book.

With a deep-rooted belief in the power of art to inspire and connect, she aims to share this enthusiasm and creativity with the world. She believes each project is an opportunity to explore new ideas, push boundaries, and create something truly unique. she invites you to explore her portfolio and see for yourself the passion and creativity that she brings to every project. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”


Devon Hollawell

Devon Hollawell